Expanded information:
1. What does the asterisk "*" on the trip card mean?
A: The "*" mark in the upper right corner of the visited area indicates that there is currently a medium- or high-risk area in that city, and does not mean that the user has actually visited these medium- or high-risk areas.
*Note: The asterisk "*" has nothing to do with the user's personal health status, but only serves as a reminder of medium- and high-risk areas for management personnel to check.
2. Q: How long does it take for the asterisk "*" to disappear?
A: The asterisk will disappear on its own when your itinerary for the past 14 days does not include cities in medium- and high-risk areas.
3. Q: When will the asterisk "*" be updated in the itinerary card?
A: The asterisk mark will change according to the epidemic prevention department's identification of the place of visit, usually based on the latest information released by the local health commission within 24 hours of the update of the star in high-risk areas, the data update there is a certain time lag. In case of disputes, we recommend that you communicate with the relevant health authorities to determine your itinerary based on your personal travel tickets, accommodation documents, community certificates, and so on.