1. The first time you find your credit report to understand your credit situation. If you are not sure about your NetBlack big data situation, just search for: "Four Happiness Data", click on the query, and enter the information to query your own Hundred Bank Credit data. However, with the establishment of the hundred lines of credit, in the future, almost all online loans late will affect personal credit, we must pay attention to the amount of money borrowed.
2, actively pay off the arrears, and try to avoid overdue credit cards, loans, etc. It is recommended to make repayment plans in advance to avoid overdue due to negligence.
3. Under the premise of ensuring monthly bill repayment, you can apply for an increase in credit limit and try different credit products, such as China Merchants Bank's "One Card, Many Accounts", to improve your credit utilization rate.
4. If you are in a position to do so, you can consider applying for a secured loan or a secured credit card to increase your secured assets, which will also help you improve your credit.
5. For those who already have a history of late payments, it is recommended that you first try to negotiate repayment with your bank, and if you really can't pay back the loan, you can consider multi-party lending (e.g., P2P platforms) to pay off your debt.