City names marked with an * (asterisk) indicate that there are currently medium or high risk areas in the cities you have visited in the last 14 days, but this does not mean that you have actually visited these medium and high risk areas.
While green trip cards with an asterisk will essentially have no impact on travel, we are still encouraged to minimize unnecessary walking and unnecessary trips to medium and high risk areas.
The search results show the provinces and cities visited (domestic), countries and regions (international), -*** are divided into three types of cards: green, yellow and red, and the rules are adjusted in real time according to the actual situation.
The calculation of the user's trips within the first 14 days is done in the operator's back office, and there is a -day delay in the results, for example, on March 5, the calculation is based on the data of the trips made in the 14 days prior to March 4 (between February 20 and March 4).