Insurance companies have the most accurate averages in their databases, and life expectancy per capita in a city or region is the most critical part of an insurer's big data because it is directly linked to profitability, but of course we don't want averages - after all, everyone wants to live to 101 years old in a 100-foot world - so is that a low or a high goal, theoretically speaking?
How long is the longest a human can live?There are several ways to estimate the approximate lifespan of a species, mainly by using the growth cycle or the number of cell divisions to estimate the average lifespan, and this value can still be referred to, it may be worthwhile to understand:
Biological Laws of CalculationAccording to the growth cycle of mammals to speculate: the life span of a mammal is about 5-7 times the growth cycle, the growth cycle of human beings in about 18
Based on the growth cycle of human cells and the number of divisions, it is speculated that the normal human cell division cycle is about 2-2.5 years, and according to scientists, the cell division cycle is about 50 times, so the upper limit is 150 years old, and the lower limit is about 100 years old, of course, this range is also very wide, almost half a century difference!
Gompertz Model EstimatesThis model is Benjamin? Gompertz first proposed, he is a self-taught mathematician and actuary in England, Gompertz model is he published in 1825, "the human mortality function expression and determine the risk of life a new model", of course, the paper is too complex, the simple narrative is that after 30 years of age, the mortality rate of human beings will be doubled every 8 years! Based on this curve, we can extrapolate the theoretical limit of human lifespan to be about 130 years, but no one can live to that age because the probability is just too small, so working backward, it's about 122-124 years!
The Gompertz model is supposed to be the most accurate of the three projections, and the oldest person in the Guinness Book of World Records is Jana? Calment, born February 21, 1875, a native of Arles, France, her father was 94 years old and her mother lived to be 86 years old, she died in a nursing home on August 4, 1997, at the age of 122 years and 164 days.
Not only has the Gompertz model been calculated very accurately in modeling population longevity, but this ?S-curve? s time-series mathematical model has also been applied to a variety of time-dependent models, including tumor growth, population growth and financial market evolution, with outrageous accuracy!
What are the factors that determine human longevity?From the above, we know that human cells divide about 50 times, and what determines this number of divisions are the telomeres at the ends of the chromosomes and the enzyme telomerase, which work in conjunction to accomplish the number of cell divisions.
Telomeres: are small segments of DNA-protein complexes present at the ends of the linear chromosomes of eukaryotic cells, which together with telomere-binding proteins form a special ? cap? structure that serves to maintain chromosome integrity and control the cell division cycle.
Telomerase: it is a special ribonucleoprotein polymerase with reverse transcription activity in the human body, which synthesizes telomeric DNA in cells, maintains the length of telomeres and increases the number of cell divisions, thus giving cells the ability to proliferate indefinitely.
It sounds as if the human lifespan can reach infinity, but in fact it can't be with the human wish, because telomerase activity is very low in normal human cells, so the telomerase gives telomere refueling is very limited, every time you split each chromosome telomere will become shorter, so the rest of the things we all understand, telomeres need telomerase refueling, but the refueling is limited, and finally the telomere length When it reaches a critical point it can no longer divide, so the body's last batch of dividing cells expire at the end of their lifespan, and the life span is over!
What are the ways to extend human life?Based on the description of the number of divisions above, can we just give telomerase activation, or is there a more violent way of introducing telomerase directly into cells? Scientists have actually done this: the telomerase activator TA-65 (an astragalus analog) has been used to lengthen telomeres, and while it has worked in cellular experiments, it has not been found to have a significant effect in humans, so it seems that scientists still have some work to do.
About Hella cells
No one should be unfamiliar with Hella cells, which are derived from a cervical cancer cell of a black American woman, Harrietta? A cell line derived from the cervical cancer cells of a black American woman, Lax, thought to be still proliferating today after surgeons removed samples from her tumor and cultured them! Unlike normal cells in the human body, the Hyla cell line does not age; it can proliferate indefinitely.
Possibly the secret of our human longevity is hidden in the Hela cells, but this uncontrolled proliferation is estimated to become a nightmare, it is impossible to grow a monster, so you want to live a long life and still controllable method is not so easy, in addition to this, there are a number of physical ways to prolong the life of a person, such as being a breakthrough in the study of cryonics and hibernation, but this approach seems to be with the But this kind of way seems to be contrary to our high standards of life, so scientists have to keep trying haha, after all, we all want to live longer!