There will be some impact, the bank review your loan application, will check your credit history report, your credit card application was rejected can be seen. It is recommended that you can apply for a loan after a period of time after your credit card application has been rejected, and all prepare some asset documentation to prove that you have good financial ability. This will increase the chances of your application being approved and the credit limit will be a bit higher.
Credit conditions
1, credit limit
Credit limit is the maximum amount of money that the borrower is allowed to borrow as stipulated in the agreement between the borrower and the bank.
2. Revolving credit agreement
A revolving credit agreement is an agreement in which a bank legally commits itself to provide a business with a loan up to a certain maximum limit.
3, compensatory balance
Compensatory balance is the bank requires the borrower to maintain a minimum deposit balance in the bank calculated on the basis of the loan limit or a certain percentage of the actual borrowing amount (generally 10% to 20%).
Expanded Information:
According to the "General Principles of Loans":
Article 17 The borrower shall be an enterprise (business) legal person, other economic organization, individual industrial or commercial household approved for registration by the administrative organ for industry and commerce (or the competent organ), or a natural person with the nationality of the People's Republic of China with full capacity for civil conduct.
Borrowers applying for loans should have the basic conditions of having a market for their products, producing and operating effectively, not crowding out and misappropriating credit funds, and scrupulously abiding by the credit, and should meet the following requirements:
One, there is the ability to repay the capital and interest on schedule, the original interest payable on the loan and the maturity of the loan has been paid off; if not, the repayment plan approved by the lender has been done.
Two, in addition to natural persons and business corporations that do not need to be approved for registration by the business sector, should go through the annual inspection procedures by the business sector.
Third, a basic account or general deposit account has been opened.
Four, except for the provisions of the State Council, limited liability companies and joint-stock companies, the cumulative amount of foreign equity investment does not exceed 50% of their total net assets.
V. The gearing ratio of the borrower meets the requirements of the lender.
VI. If the borrower applies for medium- or long-term loans, the ratio of the corporate ownership interest of the newly constructed project to the total investment required for the project shall not be less than the ratio of capitalization for investment projects as stipulated by the state.
Article 22 Rights of Lenders
The lenders shall independently examine and decide on the loans according to the loan conditions and loan procedures, and shall have the right to refuse to be forced by any unit or individual to grant loans or to provide guarantees, except for specific loans approved by the State Council.
I. To request the borrower to provide information related to the loan;
II. To decide whether to lend or not to lend, the amount of the loan, the term and the interest rate, etc., according to the conditions of the borrower;
III. To understand the production and business activities and financial activities of the borrower;
IV. To transfer and collect the principal of and interest on the loan from the borrower's account in accordance with the contract;
V, If the borrower fails to fulfill the obligations stipulated in the loan contract, the lender has the right to request the borrower to return the loan in advance or stop paying for the loan that the borrower has not yet used in accordance with the contract;
VI. In the event that the loan will be subjected to or has been subjected to a loss, the lender may, in accordance with the provisions of the contract, take measures to make the loan free from loss.
Baidu Encyclopedia - Bank Loans