How much monthly stipend do the faculty at Sun Yat-sen University's School of Data Science and Computer Science usually give to graduate students? Thanks!
Yes, the master's degree tuition 2W per year, more expensive, the scholarship ratio is also low. The state subsidies, 500 per month. mentor to the subsidy varies greatly, some mentors are not given a point, some need you to help do the project will give more, 500 ~ 1,000 per month. This is not necessarily, depending on the character of the tutor, but also depends on whether you have a project to do. If you can't, you can read the master's degree, which is a lot cheaper, or choose to read the master's degree at Huagong. As a graduate of CUHK Softworks, I am very sorry to tell you that the code ability of CUHK Softworks is quite poor, because the master's degree as a master's degree training, basically every day to send a paper, rather than doing engineering, so be careful when choosing a mentor.