So moms, it's important to stick to the essence of toy buying: buy more than you need!
Buying more toys, in addition to wasting money, will distract the baby's attention. Too many toys: the baby does not know how to choose, distraction, and thus play a low energy efficiency
Personal recommendations for each month the baby's toys 2-5, how to choose, from the Eton International Kindergarten with the production of the "WonderGarden wow box" Montessori Monthly Age Box are ready! 0 to 12 months each month are different toys, you can avoid missing a certain dimension of the child's early enlightenment, but also to avoid missing the child's The different toys for each month from 0 to 12 months can avoid missing a certain dimension of your child's early enlightenment, and also avoid over-buying in the same area and filling up the storage space at home with toys.