There is no way to update the travel code manually, but it is automatically updated according to big data, so after you scan the travel code, you will automatically update the places you have been to. If the trip code is not updated, there is no problem with the system. It is recommended to consult local operators.
If you stay in one place for more than four hours, the trip code will be displayed. For example, anywhere in Yangzhou, after more than four hours, your driving record will show that you have been to Yangzhou within 14 days. The scanning code is determined by the base station information of the mobile phone, so your mobile phone needs to communicate with the base station to determine the itinerary. If you call from different places, your location will be recorded. After the citizens complete the scan code registration as required, the green code of "Yangcheng scan code pass" obtained by big data retrieval and analysis can quickly pass the inspection, and there is no need to show health code, travel code, nucleic acid detection and other documents. The popularization and use of "Yangcheng Scan Code Pass" is to facilitate people to enter various public places, realize rapid transfer and reduce the infection and spread of the epidemic under the situation of normalization of epidemic prevention and control.