Setting the channel bandwidth to 3000Hz and the signal-to-noise ratio to 30dB, the maximum data rate achievable is about 30Kb/s.
Signal-to-noise ratio (dB)=10log10(S/N)(dB)
Solution: S/N=1000
According to Shannon's formula: transmission rate C=Wlog2(1+S/N)(bit/s)
W is the channel bandwidth
=30kbit/ s
Expanded Information
Uses of Signal-to-Noise Ratio
In addition, signal-to-noise ratio can be car amplifier; optical transceiver; video disc player; digital voice room; home theater suite; webcam; loudspeaker ...... and so on, as explained here The signal-to-noise ratio of an MP3 player.
The ratio in dB of the maximum fidelity output of a signal to the unavoidable electronic noise. The larger the value, the better. Below the 75dB mark, noise is likely to be detected in silence. the AWE64 Gold soundcard has a reasonable 80dB SNR, and SBLIVE claims a top-notch SNR of over 120dB.
Overall, the signal-to-noise ratios of sound cards tend to be unsatisfactory because there is so much high-frequency interference in the computer.