1, computer input devices - devices that input information to the computer; keyboard, mouse, scanner, etc..
2, operating system and its functions - is the management and control of computer resources program, when the user and the computer interface; processor management functions, memory management functions, device management functions, file management functions, network and communications management functions, user interface.
3, memory functions and the reason for the division into several levels - prescription data and programs; the memory is divided into several levels in order to expand the storage capacity and improve the speed of access to memory, the main memory when the memory and the CPU to match the auxiliary memory is to expand the storage capacity.
4, three kinds of network topology and its characteristics - star: the advantages of a simple structure, easy to maintain and expand, the failure of a workstation will not affect the other sites and the work of the entire network; disadvantages are the need for more connecting wires, connectivity costs are high, the need for the central site has a high degree of reliability, once the central site, will lead to the collapse of the entire network, the failure of the central site, will lead to the collapse of the entire network. Tree: the advantages of high reliability, easy to expand the network pyrrole sites and branches, a branch site or line failure is easy to isolate it from the entire network; disadvantage is the use of more connecting wires, the entire network on the root site of the greater dependence on the root site, once the root site fails, it will lead to the entire network can not work properly; Mesh: the advantages of high reliability and transmission rate, data transmission is through the choice of a network that can be bypassed, and the data transmission is the result of the failure of a workstation will not affect other sites and the work of the entire network. The advantage of mesh is the high reliability and transmission rate, data transmission is through the choice can bypass the failure or busy site; disadvantage is the high cost of connection, complex structure, not easy to manage and maintain.
5. Components of a database - database, database management system, database administrator, database applications and users.
6, local area network and its characteristics - smaller coverage, generally within a few kilometers of the computer network; small coverage, high transmission rate, small transmission delay, low bit error rate, etc..
7, database management system functions - data definition functions, data manipulation functions, database creation and maintenance functions, database operation and management functions, data organization storage and management
8, computer network architecture and the composition of OSI/RM -computers communicate with each other at various levels, the collection of protocols and interfaces between levels; physical layer, data link layer, network layer, transport layer, session layer, representation layer, application layer.
9, the composition of the computer and the function of each part - operator: complete arithmetic and logical operations; memory: storage of data and programs; controller: coordination and control of the program and data input, program execution, and processing of the results of the operation; input devices: the data and program into the computer; output devices: the program execution results output. : outputs the results of program execution.
2. Terminology
1. Data communication: a process of collecting, transmitting, exchanging, or redistributing data and information between computers through a communication channel.
2. domain name: a symbolic ID address expressed as a string of characters
3. data structure: a collection of data elements that have one or more relationships with each other
4. broadband: the ability of a channel to transmit the number of bits per second
5. computer virus: a computer program that has a destructive or disruptive effect on the functioning of a normal computer system. Computer program
6. Internet: the world's largest, open, many networks interconnected into a computer network
7. Hardware: the general term for the physical equipment that makes up a computer, including the computer's mainframe and peripherals
8. Network protocols: the rules for communicating between networked computers
9. Software life cycle: software products from the formation of the concept of the beginning, through the development, use and maintenance, until the retirement of the whole process
10. ASCII code: the U.S. standard information exchange code for the conversion of commonly used characters
11. software engineering: the use of engineering concepts, principles, techniques and methods to develop and maintain software, the time-tested proved to be the right combination of technology and methods
11. software engineering: using engineering concepts, principles, techniques and methods to develop and maintain software, to the time-tested proved to be correct Combination of time-tested and correct technical methods
12. software crisis: the computer field of large-scale software development and maintenance of a series of serious problems encountered in the process known as the "software crisis"
13. database (DB): the long-term storage of the computer within the organized, **** enjoy the collection of data
14. computer network: the distribution of distributed in different parts of the computer network. Computer network: distributed in different geographic locations, with unique features, multiple computers and their external equipment communication lines and communication equipment connected, in the network operating system, network management software and network communication protocols management and assistance, to realize the resources **** enjoyment and information transmission of computer systems
Three, fill in the blanks
1. information systems can be divided into Data processing systems, management information systems, and decision support systems of three categories
2. IP address including network address and host address two important identifiers
3. Wide Area Network abbreviation: WAN, Local Area Network abbreviation: LAN
4. Computer software is divided into two categories of system software and application software
5. The most basic communication protocol on the Internet is TCP/IP, MODEM in Chinese means: modem
6. Information management system includes system hardware resources, system software resources, management of information resources applications and system management of the four parts
7. Computer system hardware mainly includes the central processor, memory, external memory, input and output devices, five major functional components
8. Equipment, output devices, five functional components
8. system software, including operating systems, language translation programs and database management systems
9. Programming languages have gone through three major stages of machine language, assembly language and high-level language
10. the main functions of the computer network resources **** enjoyment, data communication and cooperative work