Take the initiative to express your willingness to actively repay the loan, and then you can try to apply for an extension of the repayment period and repay the outstanding amount in installments. After the request for extension is submitted, the creditor will make a comprehensive assessment of the situation and consider it as appropriate.
If you finally agree, you can then discuss with the other party a new repayment plan that meets your financial situation, and then follow the new plan to repay the outstanding amount on time and in installments.
Of course, the creditor may not be able to agree easily, so if one negotiation is unsuccessful, you can apply for a few more.
And if you really can't apply for an extension, you'll have to think of another way to try to find a relative or friend to borrow money to pay back what you owe.
Like in the bank / lending institutions, if the long overdue, but also will produce a lot of interest penalties, personal credit will be damaged, and find friends and relatives to borrow money, although still owed friends and relatives, at least with friends and relatives to better discuss the repayment of time, but also will not charge interest.
The big data of online lending can reflect the real situation of online lending. If you've taken out too many loans, it's advisable to get a good understanding of your credit data. Find out: Baytip Quick Check, which generates a big data report. Although there is a difference between the two, bank loans will also pay attention to big data credit in order to avoid the situation where an individual is unable to repay a bad loan, and bad credit can affect many aspects of the right.
How often is the big data on online lending refreshed?
The online loan big data will be automatically cleared once in 3 months, as long as the user returns the outstanding amount on time, or pays off the overdue arrears in time, then the normal repayment record and the overdue record will be cleared once in 3 months.
If the overdue amount is not paid off, the normal repayment record will be cleared once every 3 months, and the overdue record will continue to be retained in the online loan big data. As long as the user's online loan big data has no overdue records and frequent applications resulting in multiple borrowing, then the user's online loan big data is good, which will not affect the user's subsequent applications for online loans.
Take care not to believe some people who claim they can help you clean up the big data, the online loan big data can only be optimized, no one can clean it up.