T3 Financial Express Popular Edition does not have a customized carry forward, you can use the corresponding carry forward to make transfers, or upgrade to T3 Standard Edition Oh!
T3 Standard Edition has a customized carry-over function, the amount, balance, etc. can be defined in accordance with their own requirements to the carry-over Oh.
Custom transfer formula:
1. Opening balance: QC (subject code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary 1, auxiliary 2);
Foreign currency at the beginning of the period: WQC (subject code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary 1, auxiliary 2);
Quantity at the beginning of the period: SQC (subject code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary 2) 1, auxiliary item 2);
2. Closing balance: QM (account code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
Foreign currency closing: WQM (account code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
Quantity closing: SQM (account code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);< /p>
3. Net occurrence: JE (account code, accounting period, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
Net foreign currency: WJE (account code, accounting period, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
Net quantity: SJE (account code, accounting period, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
4. Occurrence: FS (account code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
Foreign currency incidence: WFS (subject code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
Quantity incidence: SFS (subject code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
5. Cumulative incidence: LFS (subject code, accounting period direction, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
Foreign currency cumulative incidence: WLFS (account code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
Quantity cumulative incidence: SLFS (account code, accounting period, direction, auxiliary item 1, auxiliary item 2);
6. Counterparty account value: JG(subject), JG( zzz) or JG (ZZZ) or JG ( );
7. Debit and credit balance difference function: CE ( );
8. General transfer formula: TY (SQL database file name, data table name, calculation expression, conditional expression);
9. Constants: directly enter the value;
10. UFO report function: UFO ( UFO report file name, table page number, row number, column number).