I. What Generates Local Supervisory Committees at All Levels
The Supervisory Committee, the State's supervisory organ, is a specialized organ exercising the State's supervisory function, and in accordance with the Supervisory Law of the People's Republic of China*** and the State of China, it conducts supervision of all public officials exercising public authority, investigates postal violations and postal crimes, carries out clean government and anti-corruption work, and upholds the dignity of the Constitution and the law.
In December 2018, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervisory Commission and the editorial office of Bite the Bulletin jointly released the top 10 anti-corruption buzzwords of 2018, using big data search. The Supervisory Commission was selected as one of the top ten anti-corruption buzzwords of 2018.
Legal basis:
Article 9 of the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China*** and the People's Republic of China
The local supervision committees at all levels are elected by the people's congresses at their respective levels and are responsible for the supervision of the work in their own administrative areas. Local supervision committees at various levels are composed of a chairman, a number of deputy chairmen, and a number of members; the chairman is elected by the people's congress at the level, and the deputy chairmen and members are appointed or removed by the chairman of the supervision committee at the request of the standing committee of the people's congress at the level. The term of office of the heads of local supervision committees at various levels is the same as the term of office of the people's congresses at that level. Local supervision committees at all levels are responsible to, and subject to the supervision of, the people's congresses at their own level and their standing committees, as well as the supervision committees at the next higher level.