At this stage what is called cloud services is no longer just a distributed computing, but a result of the evolution and leapfrog of a mixture of computer technologies such as distributed computing, utility computing, load balancing, parallel computing, network storage, hot backup redundancy and virtualization. [1]
Chinese Name
Cloud Computing
Foreign Name
Cloud Computing
Distributed Computing
Ultra-large scale
Financial, education, etc.
Background Development History Characteristics Service Types Implementation Key Technologies Implementation Forms Security Threats Application Development Issues Improvement Measures
"Cloud" is essentially a network, narrowly speaking, cloud computing is a network that provides resources that users can access at any time. Access to resources on the "cloud", according to the demand for use, and can be seen as unlimited expansion, as long as the amount of use to pay for it, the "cloud" is like a water plant, we can always pick up the water, and unlimited, according to their own water consumption, pay for the water plant can be. The "cloud" is like a water plant. [2]
Broadly speaking, cloud computing is a service related to information technology, software, and the Internet, and this pool of computing resources*** is called "the cloud". Cloud computing aggregates many computing resources and automates their management through software, which requires very few people to be involved in order for the resources to be rapidly available. In other words, computing power as a commodity, can be circulated on the Internet, just like water, electricity and gas, can be easily accessed, and the price is relatively low. [2]