As follows:
1, China Knowledge Network
China Knowledge Network is the most complete website to find the academic literature in the country, with the inclusion of core journals and professional journals as the main, authoritative, good search results, the type of journals is more comprehensive, wide coverage. It provides unified search, unified navigation, online reading and download services for Chinese academic literature, foreign language literature, dissertations, newspapers, conferences, yearbooks, tools and other types of resources.
2. Wanfang Data Knowledge Service Platform
Wanfang Data, Thesis, Literature, Periodicals, Dissertations, Academic Conferences, Chinese and Foreign Standards, Laws and Regulations, Scientific and Technological Achievements, Chinese and Foreign Patents, and Foreign Literature. Focusing on the inclusion of the Ministry of Science and Technology thesis statistical source of the core periodicals, the core periodicals ratio is high, the quality of the included literature is high, and not regularly updated.
3, super star discovery
The world's largest Chinese e-book book site, the database covers more than 85% of the Chinese mainland after 1949, all published books, mainly for the university and above college users.
4, OALib free paper search engine
OALib is an academic paper storage capacity of more than 420W pieces of web sites, which covers the fields of mathematics, physics, chemistry, humanities, biology, materials, medicine and the humanities, and articles can be downloaded for free.
One of its major features is the functional support for page snapshots, which allows you to browse article titles, authors, keywords, and abstracts directly without leaving the site, greatly reducing the cost of time and making it a more efficient site for finding papers.
5, BaseSearch? Germany, Bielefeld academic search engine
Website: /
It is the famous German Bielefeld (Bielefeld) University Library developed a multidisciplinary academic search engine, to provide the global heterogeneous academic resources of the integration of the retrieval service. BaseSearch integrated the library of the University of Bielefeld Library in Germany. Bielefeld University Library's library catalog and data from approximately 160 open resources (over 2 million documents).