Fengtun Prison, Tailai Prison, Liusan Prison, Sankeshu Prison, Wutaqi Prison, Baoanzhao Prison, Furalki Prison Prison, Laolai Prison.
Prison is a product of the development of human society to a certain stage of history, it is with the emergence of class, the emergence of the state. In the period of primitive society before mankind entered the class society, there is no class, there is no prison. During the period of clan communes in primitive society, human society was based on blood relations, the people depended on hunting for their livelihood, the means of production were communally owned, and the chiefs of the clans were in charge of the distribution of property.
But because of the low level of productivity, it was difficult to ensure the survival of the people. As there was no form of state organization, conflicts among the people were resolved by customary, bloody revenge. In the later stages of primitive society, due to the development of productivity, the people began to form groups and use ground or beaten stone tools for hunting, and there was a surplus of products.
The clan chiefs took possession of the surplus products without compensation, and so private ownership emerged in society, and two opposing classes emerged in human society, the slave-owning class and the slave class. Human society then transitioned from primitive society to slave society and began to enter the first class society. Along with the emergence of classes came the emergence of forms of state organization.
The ruling class, which holds the power of the state, in order to maintain its rule and suppress the resistance of the ruled class, formulated a series of rules and regulations, which were embodied in the will of the state, which is the law. Those who broke the law were regarded as criminals, and those who committed crimes were to be punished, from which emerged penalties and prisons.