The quality of digital audio depends on the level of sampling frequency, the number of basic data bits that represent the sound and the form of the channel With the continuous development of information technology.
Big data is widely used in many fields, and sound reinforcement systems have gradually entered the digital era, mainly reflected in the application mode of audio, which is gradually from the analog signal to digital signal transition.
Next, focusing on the field of audio and video nineteen years of a Harvest Technology will share with you digital, network technology in the application of sound reinforcement system. Simply put, the function of the sound reinforcement system is not enough sound pressure level of the sound source in a certain space to accurately restore and transmit sound information.
First of all, you want to expand the sound out of the sound to be picked up, through the microphone after picking up the signal to the mixer for mixing, distribution, initial amplification, and then through a variety of audio processing equipment to the power amplifier, to the speaker. Such a process formed the analog era of sound reinforcement technology.