The best way to deal with the collection is to repay on time and pay off the overdue money. You can communicate and negotiate with each other to see if you can postpone the repayment. In the face of debt, we should not be afraid, this is not the result we want. But in the face of illegal collection, we don't have to be afraid. We should know how to protect ourselves with legal weapons. I hope sorting out these can help friends who are in debt.
If you encounter problems, you can complain in the following ways:
I. China Banking Regulatory Commission
Complaints: bank subsidiaries such as bank loans and credit cards;
Second, call 3 15 to complain
Complaints: Lending companies cheat customers by illegal operations, induce customers to sign yin-yang contracts, charge high service fees, and so on;
Third, collect complaints and black cat complaints.
Complainant: illegal collection and illegal lending are companies that accept complaints from third parties and have great influence;
Fourth, China Internet Finance Association.
Complainant: The Internet finance industry is a national self-regulatory organization, and all illegal collections and loans are accepted.
The method of handling the collection call is as follows:
1. Install interception software.
Nowadays, there are many security software in mobile phones, especially interception software, which will automatically display the phone tag when the phone calls. If it is a collection label, then you don't have to answer.
2. Pull into the blacklist.
If a number is repeatedly dialed and you are sure it is a collection, then in order not to affect your work and life, you can directly set this mobile phone number to the blacklist and don't have to answer it in the future.
3. Change your mobile phone number.
This method is very simple, that is, change the mobile phone number.