In case of cash advance, open the cash advance function, and transfer the money to your own bank or other bank debit cards in real time through Pocket Life APP, Pad Bank App, online banking and customer service telephone voice system.
There are handling fees and interest for cash advance: handling fees: the handling fee for RMB cash advance in China is 65,438+0% of the cash advance, and the minimum fee is 65,438+00 RMB; The handling fee for overseas cash advance is 3% of each cash advance, with a minimum charge of USD 3 or 30 yuan RMB (USD 5 or 30 yuan RMB for American Express Card-Centurion Black Gold Card and American Express Card-Centurion Platinum Card). There is no inter-bank handling fee for cash advance.
Interest: Cash advance does not enjoy interest-free repayment. From the date of cash advance to the date of settlement, interest will be charged at a daily rate of 0.5 ‰, with compound interest on a monthly basis.