This is considered a more appropriate range for private lending. If you can afford it, it will be no problem. It is based on the premise that you think a loan of RMB 50,000 will bring you greater interest income in the future. \x0d\\x0d\Redirect: \x0d\ According to the "Several Opinions of the Supreme People's Court on the Trial of Loan Cases by People's Courts", private lending The interest rate can be appropriately higher than the bank's interest rate, and the people's courts in various regions can determine the specific situation based on the actual situation of the region, but the maximum cannot exceed 4 times the bank's similar loan interest rate. If this limit is exceeded, the excess interest will not be protected. \x0d\ For disputes between borrowers and lenders arising from interest rate issues, such as abnormally high interest rates, etc., judicial agencies can determine the validity of the contract and the rights and obligations of both parties based on the general principles of civil law, the principle of fairness and the principle of good faith stipulated in the Contract Law. If an individual or unit obtains credit funds from a financial institution and lends them to others at high interest rates for the purpose of making profits, and the amount of illegal gains is relatively large, they may be punished for the crime of on-loaning at high interest rates in accordance with the provisions of Article 175 of the Criminal Law. \x0d\\x0d\The following is the bank loan interest rate: \x0d\Loan within six months (including 6 months) 5.60 \x0d\Loan from six months to one year (including 1 year) 6.00 \x0d\One to three years ( Loan 6.15 including 3 years \x0d\Loan 6.40 for three to five years (including 5 years) \x0d\Loan 6.55 for more than five years \x0d\\x0d\Hope you are satisfied