In addition, the best way to improve credit information is to help credit cards improve personal credit information. Users with credit cards usually use credit cards to spend money, and then keep good repayment records, so that credit information can be improved after a period of time.
When reviewing our credit report, lending institutions will not only look at our past credit records, but also look at the inquiry records of our credit reports. The so-called credit report does not mean that our credit report is overdue, but that there are too many inquiry records.
If we apply to the People's Bank of China to inquire about our own credit information, this inquiry method will usually not cause any harm to personal credit information. It is the credit information inquiry records of lending institutions that easily confuse credit information, which is called "hard inquiry". Generally, when we apply for a credit card or a loan, the institution will make an inquiry about our credit information report, and this inquiry record will be reflected in the credit information report. If there are too many inquiry records in the credit information report, the lending institution will conduct the loan business.
If I spend all my credit cards, can I still get a loan?
Credit flowers also need loans, and there are two main solutions.
First of all, if you want to apply for a bank credit loan, credit investigation is still relatively expensive. Generally speaking, it is unacceptable, so don't consider online bank loans. However, if you do have a relatively high income or a large amount of assets, you can cover the repayment, but there will be more institutional loan inquiries in a short time. In this case, Credit Information Flower can handle the credit loan manually approved by the bank offline through communication with risk control. Of course, the premise is that you really have the repayment ability and won't make bad debts.
Generally speaking, when handling mortgage loans, bank mortgage loans will ignore or communicate with credit reporting agencies and the number of credit cards. If the credit information is really expensive and overdue, you can also consider the mortgage products of non-bank institutions. Of course, if these two methods can't solve your problem, then I suggest you deal with it and don't apply again. Re-applying will only blindly increase the number of your inquiries and fall into an infinite loop.