Mathematical modeling problem, bank annual interest rate
There are five schemes: 1 deposit for one year, and the income of the sixth period is1x (1+2.25%) 6-1= 0.142825410000 yuan. 2. Two-year three-phase deposit:1x (1+2.43%) 2x3-1x 3 = 0.147571.47 million yuan. Three years and two deposits:1x (1+2.7%) 3x2-1x2 = 0.1664133.66 million yuan. 4 Calculate one year first, then two years, then three years:1x (1+2.25%) (1+2.43%) 2 (1+2.7%) 3-1= Computerized. 5. One year and five years:1x (1+2.25%) (1+2.88%)-1= 0.1445,029,942 yuan. The third benefit is the biggest.