The loan money will not have any consequences:\x0d\If you really have no ability to repay, you should negotiate with the lending institution to extend the repayment period or repay it in installments;\x0d\If the lending institution sues After winning the case in court, if the court judgment is not fulfilled during the performance period, it will apply to the court for compulsory execution;\x0d\When accepting compulsory execution, the court will inquire about the properties, vehicles, securities and deposits in the name of the lender in accordance with the law;\x0d\In the name of the lender If there is no property available for execution and the person refuses to fulfill the effective judgment of the court, negative information such as overdue repayment will be recorded in the personal credit report, and the person will be restricted from high consumption and entry and exit, and may even be detained by the judiciary. \x0d\Basically there will be no impact, just repay on time in the future.