Unsecured loans are actually personal credit loans! Under normal circumstances, personal credit loans are provided by banks. As long as your qualifications meet the requirements of personal credit loans, you can apply for loans! Elements of personal credit loan
1. Loan object
Commercial banks generally have strict rules for borrowers of personal credit loans. To apply for a personal credit loan, you must first meet the following basic conditions:
(1) China citizens who have a fixed residence in China and a fixed residence in local towns and have full capacity for civil conduct;
(2) having a legitimate and stable economic income and the ability to repay the principal and interest of the loan on schedule; Law-abiding, no illegal acts and bad credit records;
(3) Opening a personal settlement account in a lending bank (it is agreed that the borrowing bank will deduct the loan principal and interest from the personal settlement account designated by it);
(four) other conditions stipulated by the banks.
2. Loan interest rate
The interest rate of personal credit loans shall be implemented in accordance with the benchmark interest rate of loans of the same grade in the same period stipulated by the People's Bank of China, and the floating range shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Bank of China. The interest before the extension is calculated and paid according to the interest rate agreed in the original contract. After the extension, if the accumulated loan term is less than 6 months, the interest will be calculated according to the 6-month loan interest rate listed on the same day from the date of extension; If it is more than 6 months, the interest shall be calculated according to the 1 year loan interest rate listed on that day from the extension date.
3. Term of the loan
The term of personal credit loan is generally 1 year (including 1 year), and the longest is no more than 3 years. Banks usually carry out personal credit rating every year, and determine the extension of personal credit loans according to the credit rating. 4. Repayment method
If the term of personal credit loan is within 1 year (including 1 year), the repayment method of monthly interest payment, monthly, quarterly or one-time repayment of principal shall be adopted; If the loan term exceeds 1 year, the repayment method of monthly principal and interest shall be adopted. 5. Loan amount
Banks determine different loan quotas according to the credit rating of borrowers and the conditions of specific applicants; And report to the superior for approval according to the authorized authority and different quotas. The regulations on the specific amount vary greatly from bank to bank. Loan is mainly based on the actual use of your loan to determine your loan method! You can submit a loan application online, and you can check your loan progress in 2 to 3 working days (except weekends and holidays)!