In order to understand the repayment ability of the lender, the lending institution requires the lender to submit proof of income, so proof of income is proof of personal economic strength. However, if there is no proof of income, a fixed bank flow and rent contract can be used instead, because these can also prove the financial strength of the lender. Secondly, for borrowers who have never had income, they can choose mortgage loans without proof of income. As long as the value of the mortgage assets of the lender meets the requirements of the lending institution, the lender can apply for a loan even without proof of income.
Warm reminder
1. The loan amount applied for should be appropriate. If the applicant's income is average and the loan amount applied for is high, the loan will be refused because of insufficient income proof.
2. In addition to submitting the true income certificate to the lending institution, the lender should also provide personal data and other certificates, which should also be true and reliable.
3. Choose a suitable lending institution, and loan products emerge one after another, but each loan product has its own customer orientation, and lenders should choose loan products reasonably.
4. The lender should repay the loan on time to avoid overdue, because once overdue, personal credit information will be affected and a fine will be generated.