When the loan interest rate is adjusted, the loan penalty interest rate is also adjusted accordingly. According to the adjusted loan interest rate, the penalty interest rate is adjusted from 0.2 1‰ per day to 30% higher than the loan execution rate.
If calculated according to the commercial mortgage interest rate of 5.508% executed by the bank for most customers over five years, the newly executed annual penalty interest rate of the bank is 5.508 %× (1+30%) = 7. 1604%, and the daily penalty interest rate is 7.1604% divided by 360, which is equal to If the benchmark mortgage interest rate of the bank is 6. 12% for more than five years, the penalty interest rate on that day is 0.22 1‰, which is 0.01‰ higher than the original one.
It is worth noting that if the monthly repayment amount is 5,000 yuan, 4,999 yuan has already been repaid, most banks still calculate the penalty interest according to 5,000 yuan, not according to the unpaid 1 yuan. Bankers reminded: "customers can go to the bank counter or call customer service to inquire about the specific amount to be repaid each month."
Personal housing loan interest rate table
Benchmark interest rate for loan term falls 10%
Less than six months including six months 5.22 4.698
Six months to one year, including one year 5.58 5.022
One year to three years including three years 5.765.6438+084
Three to five years including five years 5.85 5.265
More than five years 6. 12 5.508
I don't know the rest.