1. Credit report deteriorates. Nowadays, many online loans are credit loans, and formal credit bureaus are available in major cities. When you first borrow, your credit is good, but if your credit becomes worse when you borrow again, you will not be able to borrow. For example, there are bad records on the credit report, including overdue records. For example, it is not acceptable to be currently overdue or have accumulated three or six debts in the past 2 years. Also, the credit report is too expensive and frequently applies for credit cards and loans in a short period, leaving many inquiries. Records, too, have an impact.
2. The debt is too high. The borrower also has other credit businesses that are listed on the credit report, such as loans from other places and credit cards, which will be recorded on the credit report. If there is too much debt, the personal debt ratio will be too high, and the loan platform will be out of risk. If considered, the user's loan application will also be rejected. After all, too much debt will affect the ability to repay, and no one dares to lend money to someone who will be overdue at any time.
3. Overdue repayment. When a borrower borrows money from a loan platform, if he fails to repay the loan in time and becomes overdue, his credit score on the loan platform will be reduced. The platform has implemented risk control for the borrower, which will result in failure to pass the loan review again, and even the loan limit will be exceeded. If you take it back, you won't be able to borrow it if you don't have a limit to borrow it.