Take the loan 1 000 yuan and the loan term 1 year as an example. Usually, 5% is the monthly interest rate, with one month's interest in 50 yuan and one year's interest in:10000 * 0.5% *12 = 600 yuan. 5% monthly interest is converted into annual interest rate, which is 0.5% * 65433.
If 5% is the daily interest rate, it means that the daily interest rate is 0.5%. If you borrow 1 10,000 yuan, one day's interest will be 50 yuan, and 5% of the daily interest rate will be converted into annual interest rate 180%, and the interest to be paid for one year will be 18000 yuan, and the repayment interest will be higher than the principal. This interest rate is already usury, which is illegal. Therefore, borrowers should pay attention to see clearly that if they borrow usury, the interest that users need to pay is not small.