If you borrow a bank loan and are in arrears for 2 years, your credit record has been included in the credit information system of the People's Bank of China. According to the current regulations, it is impossible for you to borrow money from the banking system within 7 years.
The court summons has been issued. Although you didn't sign it, the other party can serve it by public announcement, but it will take three months. After three months, the court can make a judgment by default. After the judgment is served, you can not sign it, but it doesn't affect the effectiveness of the judgment, because the person suing you can choose to serve it by public announcement again. After three and a half months, the judgment will take effect, and the other party can apply to the court for enforcement. At that time, any of your property may be seized by the court and auctioned.
You can tell me whether you don't need to repay the interest and late fees. No, it is still impossible. However, if the interest and late fees collected by the other party obviously exceed the legal provisions, you can ask for less repayment of the interest and late fees. The standards of interest and late fees can refer to some provisions of the Supreme People's Court on the trial of loan cases.
I don't know if you are satisfied with my answer. I hope you will pay attention to this matter! Don't make trouble for yourself for no reason.