The credit report can't see all loans. After all, some loan platforms are not connected to the central bank's credit information system, and the loan situation will not be preserved by the loan records for a long time.
Credit investigation refers to the establishment of credit files for individuals or enterprises by professional and independent third-party institutions, which collect and objectively record their credit information according to law and provide credit to the outside world according to law. It provides credit information for professional credit institutions.
If you borrow money from a bank, the bank will judge whether you can repay it on time; Have you ever borrowed money before? Is there any record of not paying back the money? Before the appearance of credit investigation, you should provide a series of proof materials to the bank: proof of unit salary, etc. The loan officer of the bank should also call your company. It will be two weeks or more before the bank tells you whether to lend you money.
The appearance of credit reporting lets banks know that this special institution will set up credit files (that is, personal credit reports) for you and then provide them to banks.
This kind of bank can save time by sharing credit information through a third-party organization, and I can do things for you quickly. With the credit report, when you borrow from the bank again, the bank loan officer can check your credit report with your consent, and then spend some time focusing on verifying some problems, and will soon tell you whether the bank will provide you with a loan.
The Credit Information Center of the People's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as the Credit Information Center) is a specialized institution that establishes your "credit file" and provides personal credit information for commercial banks.
Enterprise credit investigation is mainly an organization that collects enterprise credit information, produces enterprise credit products and produces personal credit products. These two types of business are completed by one institution in some countries, and by two or more institutions in some countries, or a country has both institutions engaged in personal credit investigation and institutions engaged in personal and corporate credit investigation, which is generally not restricted.
2. Does the credit report show bank loans?
First of all, the credit is good and there is no bad credit record; Secondly, there is no bank loan and external guarantee; The third is that there is no overdraft record for credit cards.
3. Will the credit report show all loans?
The credit report can't see all loans. After all, some loan platforms are not connected to the central bank's credit information system, and the loan situation will not be recorded in the credit information report. However, the loan records on the credit information will indeed be kept for a long time. Credit investigation is an activity that a professional and independent third-party organization establishes credit files for individuals or enterprises, collects and objectively records their credit information according to law, and provides credit information services to the outside world according to law. It provides a platform for professional credit reporting agencies to enjoy credit reporting. If you borrow money from a bank, then the bank needs to know who you are; Need to judge whether you can repay on time; Have you ever borrowed money before? Is there any record of not paying back the money? Before the appearance of credit investigation, you should provide a series of proof materials to the bank: proof of unit salary, etc. The loan officer of the bank should also call your company. It will be two weeks or more before the bank tells you whether to lend you money. The appearance of credit investigation makes it easier for banks to know your credit status: they hand over their credit information about you to a special institution for summary, and this special institution will establish a credit file (that is, a personal credit report) for you and then provide it to banks for use. This kind of activity that banks enjoy credit investigation through third-party institutions is credit investigation. In order to improve efficiency, save time and do things for you quickly. With the intervention of credit reporting agencies and credit reporting, when you borrow from the bank again, the bank loan officer can check your credit reporting with your consent, and then spend some time focusing on verifying some problems, and will soon tell you whether the bank will provide you with loans. Banks save trouble, you worry. In China, the Credit Information Center of the People's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as the Credit Information Center) is a specialized institution that establishes your "credit file" and provides personal credit information for commercial banks. Enterprise credit investigation is mainly an institution that collects enterprise credit information and produces enterprise credit products; Personal credit investigation is mainly an organization that collects personal credit information and produces personal credit products. In some countries, these two types of businesses are completed by one institution, and in some countries, they are completed by two or more institutions respectively, or in a country, there are both institutions engaged in personal credit investigation and institutions engaged in both personal and corporate credit investigation business types, which are generally not restricted and are decided by the credit investigation institutions independently according to the actual situation.