If the loan hasn't arrived yet, you can apply for deferred repayment. After explaining your difficulties, the bank will generally agree. If the repayment cannot be made after the delay, the bank can sue the user and enforce it after the court decision. At this time, the borrower's property will be sold to repay the debt. If the auction property is insufficient, the bank will continue to collect it.
When the loan cannot be repaid, users can borrow money from friends around them, but they can only help themselves through temporary difficulties. If your financial situation has not improved, you'd better consult the bank for a solution. In order to avoid not being able to repay the loan, you should know what kind of income you use to repay the loan.
It should be noted that overdue loans will be uploaded to the credit information center by the bank when they are returned. If they are not returned after five years, it will affect the handling of many financial businesses, such as subsequent applications for various loans and credit cards. Therefore, it is very necessary to ensure good personal credit information.
In fact, when users apply for loans, they can consult different banks to find out the loan conditions and loan interest rates given by banks, and then choose a bank with low loan interest rates, so that they will pay less interest when they still owe money in the future, which is conducive to subsequent repayment and will not be overdue.