20 Rights: TCB: Allow access to the /sys and /resource directories in the terminal.
19 Rights: CommDD: Allow access to communication device drivers.
18 Rights: PowerMgmt: Allows to interrupt any process in the system or change the machine state.
17 Rights: MultimediaDD: Grants access to all multimedia device drivers.
16 Rights: ReadUserData: Allows reading user data.
15 Rights: WriteUserData: Allows writing user data.
14 Rights: DRM: Allow access to DRM protected content.
13 Right: TustedUI: UI that distinguishes between "normal" applications and "trusted" applications.
12 Rights: ProtServ: Allows server applications to register with a protected name.
11 Rights: DiskAdmin: Allows hard disk management operations, such as formatting the drive.
10 Rights: NetworkControl: Allows modification or access to network protocol control.
9 Rights: AllFiles: Allows all files in the system to be visible and can write to files under /private.
8 Rights: SwEvent: Allows generating or capturing keyboard and pen input events.
Right 7: NetworkServices: used to use mobile networks.
6 Rights: LocalServices: used to send or receive messages via USB, infrared and Bluetooth.
Right 5: ReadDeviceData: Allows reading system device driver data.
4 Rights: WriteDeviceData: Allows writing system device driver data.
Right 3: Location: Allow access to the phone’s location information.
2 Rights: SurroundingsDD: Allows access to logical device drivers that provide peripheral device input information.
1 Rights: UserEnvironment: Grants access to real-time confidential information about the user and their immediate environment.