If you borrow money from a bank, do you want to keep it for a few days after the money arrives? This is a loan to buy goods from suppliers. If there is a purchase contract, the loan will be credited t
If you borrow money from a bank, do you want to keep it for a few days after the money arrives? This is a loan to buy goods from suppliers. If there is a purchase contract, the loan will be credited to the supplier's name after it arrives.
You are talking about entrusted payment. Theoretically speaking, this loan is for suppliers. There is no question of letting it stay for a few days, so the money belongs to others. According to what you said, it should be a forged purchase contract. In this case, if the supplier thinks that the news will pass in a few days, he will call you again under various excuses. Then you have to wait for the dunning notice from the bank, which is monitoring. Of course, China is still a human society. ............