Credit card interest doubles after the deadline. If your money can't pay interest, you can choose the minimum repayment amount, so that the loan and interest will not be affected after the deadline. After users overdraw with credit cards, they usually have an interest-free repayment period of more than 20 days to 50 days. If the cardholder's repayment is overdue, the cardholder will no longer enjoy the interest-free treatment of all the expenses of the bank last month, and the circulating interest will reach 10005 days, that is, the annual interest rate will reach 18%.
If you can't pay the interest on time, and you have signed the loans overdue contract and other related contents, you need to pay it, but if you are involved in illegal acts that violate market rules, you don't need to pay double interest again. In addition, if you don't have enough money to pay interest or are unable to pay a certain amount, you can apply for legal aid to protect your rights and interests through legal aid. If the credit card is in arrears for more than 3 months, the bank will entrust a lawyer to send a letter to the credit card user and bring a lawsuit to the court. The litigation expenses shall be borne by the cardholder.
According to Article 196 of China's Criminal Law and relevant judicial interpretations, malicious overdraft refers to the behavior that the cardholder overdraws beyond the prescribed limit or time limit for the purpose of illegal possession, and still refuses to return it after being collected by the issuing bank. If the amount is relatively large, criminal responsibility shall be investigated for the crime of credit card fraud, and he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years or criminal detention, and shall also be fined not less than 20,000 yuan but not more than 200,000 yuan.
Data expansion
What if there is too much debt to repay? The debtor may negotiate with the creditor to determine the repayment time. The debtor really needs to show his creditors that he is willing to repay, but he is temporarily unable to repay, so as to prevent creditors from suing the court. According to the relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law of People's Republic of China (PRC), if the debtor is sued, he needs to actively respond to the lawsuit. The debtor's failure to reply does not affect the court hearing; If the debtor does not appear in court, the court may make a judgment by default. At the same time, the debtor can calculate the limitation of action of the debt. If the limitation of action of the debt exceeds three years, the debtor can request the defense of the limitation of action.