Different bank cards have different single payment limits and same-day payment limits. If the user's bank exceeds the limit, he can change another card to complete the student loan repayment. Failure to repay student loans on time will result in overdue records and overdue interest, which will seriously affect personal credit information and increase the repayment burden of users.
Student loan repayment supports manual repayment or automatic deduction by the system. If the repayment funds are deposited in the Alipay account of the student loan, the system will initiate automatic deduction on the repayment date, and the users who have successfully deducted automatically do not need to make additional repayment operations.
Extended data:
Repayment method of student loan:
1, computer-side Alipay repayment.
(1) Log in to Alipay on the computer, click "Application Center", and then click "Student Loan Repayment".
(2) Enter the Alipay account, ID number and verification code of the lender, and click "Query Loan Repayment Information".
(3) Confirm the repayment amount and click "Next".
(4) Enter the payment password to repay the loan.
2, mobile phone Alipay repayment.
(1) Open Alipay and search for student loans from China Development Bank.
(2) Click "Online Repayment" after entering.
(3) Enter the Alipay account number and ID number of the lender to inquire about repayment information.
(4) Click Repayment after confirming the repayment information.
3. Repay at the bank counter.
(1) Bring relevant loan information to the bank for processing.
(2) Get the repayment application form, fill it out and submit it to the counter to complete the repayment.