Ali financial loan conditions
1 Member of Alibaba China Station (once a member of Alibaba TrustPass) or a member of China suppliers, with a certain operating record (member of TrustPass or a member of China suppliers when obtaining loans);
2. The applicant is the legal representative of the enterprise or the person in charge of individual industrial and commercial households, aged between 18-65, and a resident of Chinese mainland;
3 industrial and commercial registration is located in Shanghai, Beijing, Tianjin, Zhejiang, Shandong, Jiangsu and Guangdong provinces, and the registration time exceeds 1 year;
4. The applicant has no bad records in Alibaba Group and external financial institutions, and the total sales in the last 12 months is not less than100000 yuan, which is profitable in operation and good in growth.
(Source: Ali Finance official website)
It should be noted that after applying for Ali Financial Loan, 80% of the withdrawal amount is paid to the bank card of the legal representative of the enterprise, and 20% of the withdrawal amount is paid to the personal Alipay account of the legal representative of the enterprise. At present, Ali financial loans are open to Zhejiang, Jiangsu, Shanghai and Guangdong provinces, and other regions have not yet been opened.