It should be noted that in order to avoid overdue repayment, it is recommended that you ensure that the balance of Alipay account or bank card is sufficient before the loan expires, so as not to affect your personal credit history. If the repayment cannot be made on time under special circumstances, it is suggested to contact Alipay customer service in time, explain the situation and apply for deferred repayment or other solutions.
When applying for online loans, if there are overdue or multi-platform loan records, your information will be analyzed by big data risk control. If you are repeatedly rejected, it may even lead to the closure of your account, such as Bai Hua. If your network data is abnormal, you can get your big data and credit status by looking up "Beijian Quick Check". In addition, this query can obtain important data information such as your personal credit status, blacklist, application platform type, overdue status, overdue amount, and whether there are arbitration cases.