If someone else uses your ID card to get a loan without your knowledge, you can immediately call the police to prove that you did not ask for a loan, and report to the bank to correct your credit record and transfer the loan in your name that is not your true intention. Cancel it. Investigate and punish those who impersonate personal identities to avoid personal losses. It is illegal to use someone else's ID card to borrow money, and you need to bear corresponding legal responsibilities. However, those who lose their ID cards do not need to be held responsible for actions they did not commit.
Legal Analysis
According to relevant laws and regulations, obtaining loans, bill acceptances, letters of credit, letters of guarantee, etc. from banks or other financial institutions by deceptive means will cause serious consequences to banks or other financial institutions. Those who cause losses or have other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and shall also or solely be fined. Those who cause particularly heavy losses to banks or other financial institutions or have other particularly serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years and not more than seven years. imprisonment, and a fine. It is illegal to use someone else's ID card fraudulently and you should bear corresponding legal responsibilities. However, those who lose their ID cards do not need to be held responsible for actions they did not commit. If you use other people's identity information falsely, the labor contract and loan contract signed with the employer will be invalid. If I believe that I have suffered losses in the process of being impersonated, I can ask the bank to delete the bad records on my credit report, and at the same time hold the bank and the impostor accountable and demand compensation for the losses. The bank bears the responsibility for the lax review, but it is the imposter who ultimately bears the responsibility.
Legal Basis
"Amendment to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China" 11. Amend the first paragraph of Article 175-1 of the Criminal Law to read: "With Whoever obtains a loan, bill acceptance, letter of credit, letter of guarantee, etc. from a bank or other financial institution by deceptive means, causing heavy losses to the bank or other financial institution, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention, and shall also or solely be fined; Financial institutions that cause particularly heavy losses or have other particularly serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years, and shall also be fined.”