Many people choose to use personal unsecured loans when buying a house. After all, for many people who have short working hours, little savings, and few assets, unsecured loans are more suitable. So, what are the requirements for a personal unsecured loan? What issues should we pay attention to? Let’s take a look with the editor.
1. What are the conditions for applying for a personal unsecured loan?
1. Higher bank flow rate
When applying for a bank loan, the bank will examine the borrower's repayment ability, so it will require the borrower to provide bank statements for the past three months. Generally speaking, the higher the borrower's bank turnover, the stronger the borrower's financial ability and good credit standing in the bank, and the more favored the borrower will be by the bank.
2. Stable job and income
If the borrower has a stable job and source of economic income, it means that the borrower has a certain ability to repay the loan, so that the bank or lending institution There is no need to bear a lot of lending risks, so these people are more likely to be able to apply for loans.
3. Good personal credit record
Applying for a personal loan does not require the borrower to provide collateral. It mainly depends on the borrower’s personal credit. In order to reduce the risk, banks or lending institutions Loan risks attach great importance to the borrower's personal credit. Having good personal credit increases the chance of success in applying for a loan.
2. What issues should you pay attention to when applying for a personal unsecured loan?
1. Don’t trust that you can get a loan with your ID card alone
When applying for a personal unsecured loan, although the borrower does not need to provide a mortgage or guarantee, any lending institution must provide a loan. Review the borrower's repayment ability. Lending institutions will use your ID card to determine whether you have the ability to repay and whether you have a strong willingness to repay. If you don't have the answers to these questions, then don't trust that you can apply for an unsecured loan with your ID card alone.
2. It is best to visit the lending institution in person
After finding the lending institution online, the borrower is best to visit the lending institution in person to see if they have a fixed business location and whether they are open for business. license, etc. to determine its authenticity. If you make a request for a home inspection and the other party refuses for various reasons, then you must be careful at this time.
3. A loan contract must be signed in person
To apply for a personal unsecured loan, you need to sign a loan contract. When signing a loan contract, regular lending institutions will require the borrower to come to the company for an interview, so If the lending institution does not ask you to go to the company for an interview, it is better to be cautious at this time.
4. Don’t pay any fees easily before taking out a loan
Be careful when choosing a lending institution to avoid falling into the trap of scammers. Institutions that charge excessively high loan interest rates must be illegal. In addition, institutions that charge pre-loan fees must be scammers, because formal lending institutions stipulate that they will not charge any fees before lending money to borrowers.