When the student loan funds are distributed to the borrower's exclusive Alipay account, they are generally locked in order to prevent the borrower from withdrawing cash. Alipay system generally transfers the money to the designated account of the school immediately after it arrives, and the school will refund the overcharged fees after deducting the corresponding tuition fees.
At that time, the extra money can be used by themselves, and the borrowing students can withdraw it to the bank card bound by Alipay for living expenses.
Matters needing attention in repaying student loans in advance
1. Before prepayment, everyone should carefully check their repayment amount to avoid insufficient repayment ability.
2. An important step of prepayment is to submit an application for prepayment. At present, applications can be submitted from June 1 day to June 10 and February 10 every year through the student online service system or the local county-level financial aid center.
3. If part of the loan is repaid in advance, the repayment principal must be greater than that of 500 yuan and be an integer multiple of 100 yuan.
4. The original repayment account is the prepayment account by default. If you need to change, you should submit a change application through the student online service system.