If you have a credit card of Ping An Bank and use it normally, Ping An Bank can check your credit information for post-loan management. If you don't have a credit card and are not authorized to inquire about your credit information, Ping An Bank can directly complain to the CBRC if it inquires about your personal credit information without authorization.
2. Does Ping An Bank affect credit reporting?
When Ping An Bank has a loan, it is a personal credit report at the meeting. Ping An will regularly upload the lender's loan records and repayment records to the central bank's credit information system. But as long as the lender repays the loan on time, there is no negative impact and there is no need to worry.
If loans overdue, it will not only leave a bad record on the personal credit information system, but even enter the credit information blacklist, which will seriously affect the lender's future financial business such as loans and credit cards, and will also affect daily life.
3. Ping An Bank was overdue in March 2020. If you pay back the money in May, will it affect your credit reporting?
Ping An Bank was overdue in March 2020 and paid back the money in May, which affected the credit investigation. According to the inquiry, after Ping An Bank's credit card is overdue, the bank will first call the cardholder to repay. If the cardholder is overdue for more than 2 months, the bank will have the rights of the debtor, which will affect the personal credit investigation.
4. Does Ping An Bank apply for credit reporting?
Ping An Bank is included in the credit information management system,
I hope I can help you.