Generally, it will be received within 1 working days after the bank lends money. The lending time of bank loans is generally related to the borrower's qualification and loan type. If the borrower applies for a small credit loan, it will take half a day as long as the borrower meets the loan conditions, because this kind of loan is generally audited by the system and the speed is very fast. If the borrower makes a large loan, such as a mortgage, it usually takes a long time to review, and it usually takes 1 to 2 months to make a loan, and sometimes the bank funds may be tight, so your loan time will be delayed.
Loan refers to a form of credit activity in which banks or other financial institutions lend monetary funds at a certain interest rate and must return them. The simple and popular understanding is to borrow money with interest. Loans in a broad sense refer to loans, discounts, overdrafts and other borrowing funds.