Therefore, if you receive a repayment reminder that you are willing to spend money, you can check whether you have applied for a loan in the fast loan recently. If you have already applied, you should pay back quickly to avoid overdue.
Although you spend money to provide loans for fast loans, they are not on the same platform. This should be clearly distinguished.
Extended data
If the repayment is equal every month, the principal and interest will gradually decrease in the future, so the total principal and interest will be much less than the principal ×2%× the number of months of borrowing. Specifically, the monthly principal should be (original capital-paid principal), and various expenses such as monthly interest = (original capital-paid principal) ×2%.
According to Article 26 of "Fa Shi [20 15] 18", the principal (based on the amount actually received, deducting the fees paid in the previous period) and interest (within 24% of absolute protection and 36% of relative protection) shall be repaid.
However, it belongs to the illegal part of interest expenditure, and it can be refused to pay on the basis of taking into account the principle of good faith. According to Article 31 of "Interpretation of Law [20 15]No. 18", the debtor can claim the overpaid part (through negotiation, mediation and litigation).