How long is your student loan? Generally, the term of student loans from students' places of origin is long, mostly around 8 years. Therefore, after graduation, you have to go to the bank to sign a repayment agreement, and you can pay a few hundred yuan a month. The interest rate should be the national benchmark interest rate. Let the bank calculate the specific amount for you and sign the agreement. . .
I have a student loan of 20,000 yuan. What is the interest for one year after graduation?
I have to repay the principal and interest every month. When I graduate, the bank will give me a repayment schedule with a clear repayment date and amount. The interest rate is the same as that of commercial loans for more than five years, which is usually several hundred yuan a month, not much. I have been working at school and paid it off in one lump sum when I graduated.
Is the annual student loan 40 thousand or 20 thousand?
How much is the 20,000 student loan repaid every year? The student loan of 20,000 yuan needs to be repaid about 3,000 yuan every year, because if it is divided into 24 installments, it will cost more than 1000 yuan per year, and if it is divided into 26 installments, it will only cost more than 8,000 yuan per year.