1. The student loan has been approved: remind the user of the subsequent operation steps and information requirements. If a short message is received in the process of student loan approval, some lending institutions or schools inform users that the loan has been approved. SMS will remind users of the subsequent operation steps and the required information requirements. In order to confirm the authenticity of the short message, users can contact the official telephone or email address of the lending institution or school to verify the content of the short message and related requirements.
2. Pretending to be a teacher to commit fraud: The short messages received by users come from criminals, and fraudsters pretend to be teachers of schools or staff of lending institutions to try to commit fraud. These fraudsters will ask users to provide personal sensitive information, such as bank card numbers and passwords. Please be vigilant and don't provide personal information easily. If the user doubts the authenticity of the short message, remind the user to contact the school or loan institution directly to verify whether there are relevant notices or requirements.