Taking credit cards as an example, the consumer service of Postal Savings Bank adheres to the customer-centered service concept, and launches a series of innovative credit card products, creating more valuable service experiences through diversified businesses such as co-branded cards and wealth management, and improving customers' sense of security and satisfaction in consumption and purchase. Postal savings bank not only has rich accumulation in the credit card field, but also deeply excavates and integrates online and offline consumption scenes and resources through cooperation with other industries, thus promoting the extension of credit cards to non-bank consumption fields.
In addition to credit cards, the Postal Savings Bank also launched a series of consumer loan products, which are close to the market demand and provide consumers with more customized and personalized financial services. The consumer loan products of Postal Savings Bank are not only convenient in application process and flexible in quota use, but also favorable in interest rate and repayment method, which can better meet the diversified needs of consumers. In a word, the consumer services of Postal Savings Bank will always focus on customer needs, and create more sustainable, diversified and differentiated high-quality consumer financial services.