Loan is a common option when buying a car, but whether you can enjoy interest-free treatment depends on the specific loan method. The main two loan forms are as follows:
First of all, "1-3 years interest-free loan" is a more common mortgage plan on the market. The car buyer is only responsible for the principal payment, while the interest part is borne by the dealer, which reduces the initial financial pressure on the car buyer. This method is undoubtedly a preferential option for consumers who expect to repay within a certain period and want to save interest expenses.
Secondly, the "13-month interest-free loan" has a shorter period, up to 13 months. During this period, if repayments are made on time, all interest will be waived, and early repayments are generally not allowed. This plan is suitable for car buyers who have a clear plan for repayment time and can repay the loan in full on time in the short term.
Therefore, whether you can enjoy interest-free loans depends on the type of loan you choose and your repayment plan. When deciding on a loan, car buyers should consider their own financial situation and repayment ability to make the decision that best suits them.