When spending by credit card, credit card can be overdrawn. You can use a credit card. There is no deposit in the card. You can't use it if it exceeds the limit. You can call customer service to apply for a temporary limit. A savings card can only be swiped if there is money in it.
Debit cards are divided into transfer cards, special cards and stored value cards according to different functions. Debit cards cannot be overdrawn. The transfer card has the functions of transfer, cash deposit and withdrawal and consumption.
Credit cards are divided into credit cards and quasi-credit cards. Credit card refers to a credit card in which the cardholder has a certain credit limit and can spend first and then repay. Quasi-credit card refers to a quasi-credit card in which the cardholder deposits a certain amount of reserve fund according to the regulations, and when the balance of the reserve fund account is insufficient to pay, it can be overdrawn within the prescribed credit limit.
Functions of credit investigation:
First, the impact of credit reporting:
1 will reduce the borrower's loan amount.
2. Do not give the borrower preferential interest rate or make the loan interest rate rise.
3. If there are many bad credit records, the borrower's loan application will be rejected directly.
4. It has an impact on recruitment, job hunting, renting a house, and even visas for going abroad.
5. Credit information difference will be blacklisted by the central bank, which will bring a lot of inconvenience to life.
Second, the influence of personal credit behavior:
1, arrears of water, telephone and other related expenses, these small things will affect your personal credit information.
2. If the borrower's debt is too high. Most people already have car loans and mortgages with repayment amount exceeding 50% of the borrower's monthly income, while credit cards with repayment amount exceeding 50% of the borrower's monthly income will be included in the bad credit information system.
3. The borrower applies for personal loan default. The loan principal and interest are not repaid or the guarantor is repaying; Those who repay their debts with assets in the near future and within two years will also be included in the credit record list.