1. If you fail to repay the loan once, your loan bank will notify you by phone or SMS to remind you that you need to repay the loan on time, and there will be penalty interest.
If you fail to repay the loan for a certain number of times, you will not be able to get any loans from other financial institutions in the future. Bad records will also appear in the personal credit information system. Once there is a credit stain, even if the loan is replenished later, the credit stain will follow the borrower for five years. Note: As long as you have loans overdue once, it will automatically appear in the credit information system of the loan bank. If you don't repay in time at this time, it will generally appear in the central bank's credit information system next month.
What are the consequences of overdue?
1. Default interest will be charged if overdue;
2. Overdue records are recorded in credit information;
3. It will be collected in various ways;
4. Will be blacklisted by banks;
5, will be sued by the court to seal up the collateral.