You need to provide information and review your qualifications before you can do it. Mainly to judge that they have no repayment ability and investigate their credit problems. See if you are in debt or have credit problems. If the problem is not serious, the bank will consider accepting your loan application. However, if your credit report is tainted, the bank may not accept it, or there are other conditions to succeed.
Advantages and disadvantages of buying a house with a loan
Advantages of buying a house with a loan:
1, less investment. Buying a house through related mortgage seems to have become a common phenomenon. Loans, that is, borrowing money from the bank to buy a house, don't let us spend a lot of money at once, so that we can borrow money to buy a house, that is, we can buy a house with less money.
2, the funds live. From the point of view, loan buyers can choose to separate the funds, for example, to buy a house for rent, to rent and support loans, and then to other projects, so that the use of funds is more flexible.
3. The risk is small. Mortgage loan is to borrow money from the bank to buy a house. In addition to buyers concerned about the quality of the house, the bank will also review it. In this way, the insurance for buying a house will increase.
The disadvantages of buying a house with a loan:
1, heavily indebted. It is not easy for anyone to buy a house with a loan and bear heavy debts. At present, the down payment of the first suite of commercial loans is less than 30%, and the benchmark of low interest rate is 7.05%, most of which go up 10% to 7.775%. The down payment for the second suite is less than 60%, and the interest rate is less than 10%. Obviously, the interest on the loan is very high.
2. This process is very complicated. Another big trouble with buying a house with a loan is the cumbersome procedures. At the same time, due to the tight bank loan quota and strict examination and approval, the loan waiting time is as long as half a year, and the loan will drag on the whole purchase time a lot.
3, not easy to sell. Because the property itself is mortgaged, it is difficult to resell the house, which is not conducive to the delisting of buyers.